The recent Tory budget is a dreadful thing for families across St Matthew’s and Walsall. At the end of May, the Tory PM and his Lib Dem Deputy PM announced that the Government Coalition would be making 25% cuts to public services, including front line services which could certainly mean less police dealing with crime.
The harsh reality is that the cuts proposed by the Tory-Lib Dem Coalition are going to hurt families and the vulnerable the most. Yes Britain is in debt, but the Tory plans to cut spending will simply risk the recovery and deeply affect peoples’ lives. This Tory Council will be making 28% cuts over the next four years and it makes me especially very angry when for example we have wasted now over £3 Million preparing to improve Walsall schools , money now completely wasted with the cancellation of the programs and we have also lost over £1 Million in poor record keeping on reclaiming grant money from Europe. I want to know what you think.
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The Labour Party
NAT 13297
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