Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Where has our local Councillor gone?

News that the current councillor for st Matthews has run off to Paddock no doubt due to her fears that she would have been beaten in the local elections coming up is deplorable. Ignoring the political badges , I have , and I hope the voters also take the view , that abandoning your ward for such selfish reasons , I find disgraceful . If you have working and supported your ward, no matter what the political label is, voters will support you... Barbara McCracken did the same thing when she was a councillor in Rushall and abandoned them to come to St Matthews as a 'safer' seat.
Have respect for Barbara for her work as cabinet member for Social Services ( having a £5 Million cut of course this year!) but here I hope the voters of St Matthews will support Eilleen Russell who will be loyal to her ward if elected and hope that the voters in Paddock will rightly object to having a new candidate foisted on them and vote in Nasar Ali... maybe the current councillor who now stands as an independent will split the vote!!
No wonder the population has such a low opinion of us politicians... however there are exceptions to this rule.... the voters should know who they are!!

Ian Robertson